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We can all do our bit for the environment this Earth Day (& the other 364 days)

Today is a great incentive to make big changes to your organisation in order to benefit the planet. After all, helping your organisation to make a positive start this Earth Day can make a huge stride towards a sustainable future.

What is Earth Day?

April 22nd marks the annual event, Earth Day. It’s celebrated globally in more than 193 countries and demonstrates support for environmental support. The special day has been celebrated since the 70’s and is coordinated over on the Earth Day website

The aim of Earth Day is simple, to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. So here’s how we can help you to do your bit for the environment this Earth Day, and all year round…

We’re here to help you support the circular economy every day

For us here at TXO, every day is Earth Day. We take great pride in helping companies across all industries to reduce their carbon footprint and become more sustainable. We do this by driving forward telecom network equipment resale, reuse and recycling activities for those working in the telecommunications sector, data centres, oil & gas, government and more. And what’s great is that we recover maximum residual value for our customer’s equipment so it’s a win-win for the environment and your pocket.

Our business model supports the circular economy by keeping products in use for as long as possible and keeping electronic waste (e-waste) from being scrapped unnecessarily. 

We can also work our magic on equipment that can’t be reused, through recycling. Here we break down parts into different WEEE and non-WEEE recycling streams, and any hazardous material is removed before it gets responsibly recycled. Every year, our recycling activities keep 1,200 tonnes of waste material out of landfill and back in commercial use. We currently recycle over 98% of all materials recovered and continue to make great strides towards our zero waste target.

Address your sustainability goals and take control of your assets with our refurbished telecom hardware and wide range of services.

More ways of supporting the environment this Earth Day 

When you’re already doing all you can to protect the environment with your telecom equipment, Earth Day is a great reminder of simple everyday activities that we could all be better at. Such as cutting back on driving your car or reducing energy consumption by turning off lights. 

If you have unwanted telecoms network equipment in your organisation, we would like to hear from you. Get in touch and together we can help to preserve the environment, reduce the amount of network waste created and minimise the amount of e-waste which ends up in landfill.